As ancient and treasured as the Spirit, consider the skills of the Glass Maker, harnessing fire and flame and practicing an ancient art perfected deep in the Swedish pine forest. From the world famous Transjö Hytta glass foundry comes a unique vessel befitting the delicate and unique contents it holds.

The craftsmen
Transjö Hytta is the smallest glass foundry in Sweden´s ‘Crystal Kingdom’. Situated in an idyllic loaction on the banks of the Lyckeby River, it has become world renowned as a laboratory for glass and a place where creativity flourishes.
“Combining their extensive technical knowledge with their equally strong connection to restrained and elegant Scandinavian aesthetic.”
Jan-Erik Ritzman and Sven-Åke Carlsson, world renowned Master Glassblowers and artists.
Artist from many countries find their way to this treasure hidden in the Swedish forests and many great collaborations and objects of beauty, including the Et No 1 vessel, have their origins here.